Friday, September 23, 2005

my first post, isn't it grand?

so, all my friends have blogs, and i'm ashamed to say that I don't really read them...ever... Who's to say that they will ever read mine? but I find myself needing to express myself, and I hope that it will get noticed. I'm not much of a writer, so we'll see.

Those who know me best know that I've been having some serious problems with what I'm doing with myself in life. Mainly my job. Well, those problems got worse today, and as usual, they got me thinking. I think that my problems have to do with my being scared. I'm scared to confront my boss, I'm scared to change myself, or the way I think. I'm scared to quit, because I've never quit a job before and even more that I'm terrified of being jobless again and searching for work. I do, however, recognize that if I never do anything about it, it isn't going to change. Even if I'm scared, I still have to do something. All I can hope for is that in the end, I've learned something from the experience. That's what is important here. And I'm the only one who can do anything about it.

So, while I am terrified to do it, I'm going to write a letter to my boss, give it to him on Monday morning and give him my two weeks notice. (Tune in on Monday to see if I actually go through with it). It will mean I'll be jobless for however long it takes me to get my act together, get my ass off my floor and do something about it.

Here is a thank you to all of my friends for all of their continued and much appreciated advice and support.



At 2:46 PM, Blogger Catherine said...

I will read your blog even though you just admitted that you don't read mine...*sniff*...

Way to take the leap of faith and give 'em your two weeks notice. If you don't follow through with this I will...I will stop reading your blog. Ha!

Love the blog title.


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