Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's Day SUCKS...sort of...

Okay, so I have always hated Valentine's Day. ALWAYS. It has something to do with not having any form of a significant other in my life... I really appreciate the fact that my wonderful stepdad always manages to do something nice for me on V-Day, but still. Today was a little different, however. For the first time in my life, I was approached by several cute little middle schoolers, wished a Happy Valentine's Day, and given candy.

Funny, how most of the other teachers I have met and talked to at my school say that middle schoolers are little monsters, but I kinda like them. Yes, there are 42 of them, last period of the day, and they have access to clay which is very easy to throw...but still. They all love to make things with clay. This is the second week I've been teaching them, and I am constantly surprised. They will probably never know or realize how cool I think they are. Hopefully I will not regret saying that before June 22....

Anyway, here's to a not so terrible Valentine's Day, thanks to a bunch of rather thoughtful 12 and 13 year olds.



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