Wednesday, November 09, 2005

You Eel in Snake's Clothing!!

Okay, so tonight I decided to revisit some of my favorite childhood movies. And I have to say, for those of you who have never seen Disney's Robin Hood, you are missing out. It is one of the few things Disney that I consider mandatory and obligatory viewing for all well-rounded persons. "Hiss! Stop hissing in my ear!"

Of course, Mary Poppins was fun, as always, and next up on the list is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (the new one, because even though I love Gene Wilder, I really liked the way Tim Burton put the Factory together, and of course, there's Danny Elfman's masterful score).

And you wanna know what brought all this on? My brother was in town recently, and while chauffering him around one evening, after considerable consumption of fermented grape juice on his part, he randomly asked me if I remembered Robin Hood. "Oh there you are P.J.! Guess what! The stork is really Robin Hood!" Do I remember it? What kind of question is that? I mean, I who watched it everyday after school, who wore oversized green polo shirts tied at the waist with a belt, who loves archery? Really. The mere question...And after 5 minutes of passionate quoting, sufficiently proving that I did, in fact, remember it, I had him in giggles. I should get him drunk more often...(Creepy! Buster! Long One! Who does that dopey Duke think he is?) Besides, the University Of Southern California fight song is in it! Proving that I was destined to be a Trojan! Fight On!

So, if you are looking for some good, old-fashioned fun, I highly recommend it.



At 7:03 AM, Blogger Catherine said...

Peee jaaay- I like that, do you know I do?! Hiss, put it on my luggage! PJ...


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