Tuesday, September 27, 2005


I just want to add this as a comment made by my good friend Catherine. This is pretty much what I went through this afternoon at work.




Doing the deed

Well folks, I did it. I gave my very nicely written letters of resignation to my bosses today. That is, my two weeks notice. I was, however, too cowardly to give it to them and wait for their reactions. I waited till the end of the day and then beat a hasty retreat. So, I know not the reactions my letter provoked. I have been told to expect them not to be surprised. And I doubt it can come as a huge shock after last Friday's goings on and my abrubt departure at lunch time. So, we'll see.

So, here's to October the 13th! I simply can't wait!


Sunday, September 25, 2005

getting my butt off the floor

Getting out and doing things is harder than it looks. But when you finally do, it is like a flash of lightning to the brain. Today, after going to a church service that was a bit of a wake-up call, I ventured out to play Ultimate Frisbee with a bunch of strangers from one of the church groups.

Now, for those of you who don't know what Ultimate Frisbee is, well here you go. Basically it is playing soccer with a frisbee. And because of the informality of the group, it also doesn't involve any contact. Real Fun, real safe. When I was a kid, I LOVED frisbee. I'm relatively good with a frisbee. Only problem is...I'm out of shape. Within the first 10 minutes of play, i had a HUGE stitch in my side. Ugh. But hey, so far, so fun. We played two games in 2 1/2 hours. The first, my team lost. The second, my team won, and I have the pride to say that I scored 3 points out of 11. There is nothing like finding yourself in the goal area, and having a guy chuck a frisbee at you, heaving yourself into the air and snagging it to score the point.

With everything that's been turning over in my head this weekend--with the prospect of giving notice at work tomorrow, I think I really needed that huge boost of confidence in myself that came with how well I did today. I had a lot of fun, found that yes, I am good at stuff, and that there is a group of people that *might* be looking forward to playing with me next sunday. I think it was God's way of telling me that things would be okay. That there is more to life than work and work-related problems.

I'm glad I went. Despite the fact that I am now so sore I can barely climb the stairs to my apartment.....but that should get better.


Friday, September 23, 2005


Hey, if Life were easy, it would be hard to appreciate, right? I should really start paying attention to the messages my sci-fi/fantasy books have bound within their hallowed pages.

By the way, I hear tell that the ANSWER is 42. Spread the word.

my first post, isn't it grand?

so, all my friends have blogs, and i'm ashamed to say that I don't really read them...ever... Who's to say that they will ever read mine? but I find myself needing to express myself, and I hope that it will get noticed. I'm not much of a writer, so we'll see.

Those who know me best know that I've been having some serious problems with what I'm doing with myself in life. Mainly my job. Well, those problems got worse today, and as usual, they got me thinking. I think that my problems have to do with my being scared. I'm scared to confront my boss, I'm scared to change myself, or the way I think. I'm scared to quit, because I've never quit a job before and even more that I'm terrified of being jobless again and searching for work. I do, however, recognize that if I never do anything about it, it isn't going to change. Even if I'm scared, I still have to do something. All I can hope for is that in the end, I've learned something from the experience. That's what is important here. And I'm the only one who can do anything about it.

So, while I am terrified to do it, I'm going to write a letter to my boss, give it to him on Monday morning and give him my two weeks notice. (Tune in on Monday to see if I actually go through with it). It will mean I'll be jobless for however long it takes me to get my act together, get my ass off my floor and do something about it.

Here is a thank you to all of my friends for all of their continued and much appreciated advice and support.
